Trương Triết Hạn và con đường trở lại

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Bài viết: 3562
Ngày tham gia: Thứ sáu 15/05/15 06:14

Re: Trương Triết Hạn và con đường trở lại

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Bài hát thứ nhì đã ra lò, "Knight Errant" chỉ mói 6 tiếng đồng hồ mà 17k views, gần 4k likes, gần 2k commentaires, not bad! :flwrhrts: :allright2: :hi5: . Tối nay sẽ lên sàn :D ở Itunes và Spotify! :flwrhrts:

Dù không hiểu gì nhưng cuối năm ồn ào vậy xem như lấy energie cũng tốt! :lol:

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Bài viết: 3562
Ngày tham gia: Thứ sáu 15/05/15 06:14

Re: Trương Triết Hạn và con đường trở lại

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Zhehan released his second single „Knight Errant“ today and jellyfish are in the wings to support him!
The song will be released on the following platforms:

YouTube Music
Apple Music

While all platforms are useful to support Zhang Zhehan, it is important to know some Do‘s and Don‘ts

1. Purchase the song on Itunes to generate income
Itunes offers the artist a fare share of the sales, as the artist receives 60 - 70% of the purchases.
Streaming platforms like Apple Music or Spotify offer much less income.
2. Purchase wisely
If we want to keep him on top of the ITunes Charts for longer, we have to calculate wisely and spread purchases over several days.
Around 5000 purchases per day (per country) are enough to keep him in the top charts.
So don’t put all eggs into one basket on the first day!
3. Streaming a song helps getting it into the charts, but you have to follow certain rules:
- you must listen to the track for more than 30 seconds
- don’t put the volume on mute
- don’t use VPN connections
- gifted songs generate income, but don’t count towards the charts
- play his song more often, and pay a monthly fee
4. Go on YouTube, like his song and leave positive comments

Please feel free to leave more recommendations in the comments.
International Jellyfish - this is your chance to help Zhang Zhehan!
Find your Voice!

#ranyimusic ... 6518145885
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Bài viết: 3562
Ngày tham gia: Thứ sáu 15/05/15 06:14

Re: Trương Triết Hạn và con đường trở lại

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The newly posted article written by Zhang Zhehan's mom tells a lot about what they've been through and how he picked up himself and restarted. Very touching and inspiring. I heard that quite a few Haizhe cried over it.



"If you cannot find that mountain, you might as well become the sea for yourself. Sit on the sidelines, profound without any words. See-through everything, tolerant of everything. Bury the secrets hidden in the bottom of the heart deep in the sea finally. Probably it's what a Deepblue man should be like."

You wrote this at the end of "Having looked for the mountain for a long time, now I want to be the sea", the movie review you wrote for "Decision to leave". It's a movie review, but you fill it with your perception of what you've been through and your yearning for the future, which triggers the soul-searching questions for me: If your mountain was not pushed down, would you go for the sea? Were you willing to become the sea for yourself? Maybe yes, maybe not. Probably the latter. You would go on by the "inertia" of life because the mountain you had had many rich contents in its majesty, colorful and magnificent, a beautiful view that might keep you lingering, not willing to leave.

With the questions in mind, I asked you, and you said, "Whether the mountain falls or not, I have to go for the sea. Having seen range upon range of mountains, having crossed one after another lush forest, I want to see the surging torrents of the sea. Life is not always about going uphill. Sooner or later you have to go downhill. Searching for the sea is also part of life experience." You brushed it off, yet to me your mountain did fall, falling in an instant. I felt sorry for you, worrying that you would break down, worrying that in the days to come you would sigh in despair, grumble and complain, you would be trapped in depression, give up on yourself and never pick up yourself from setbacks!

However, to my surprise, you rise to your feet little by little with your indomitable will! You've made it because you know you're innocent and talented, and you have caring friends who never give up on you, always keep you company and lift you up! They block the guns for you and run with you holding your hand. Were it not for their support, you would not have found the sea for yourself. Many thanks to them for their perseverance, bravery, and persistence.

Mountains could fall, and seas never dry up. It was with this unyielding spirit that you went far to look for the sea and become the sea for yourself......

In addition, I do have to thank you for your fortitude, without which I would for sure have fallen on the road before you started going for the sea! In that case, I would have departed from this world. Your fortitude has saved me, let me survive. Your fortitude has given me hope! With hope, I gradually get out of infirmity and restore the faith once broken in collapse! I will not hesitate to praise you, "My son, thank you for your fortitude!"

Fortitude is, as a matter of fact, something forced and tempered out of all kinds of hardships, which is the only way for a man to survive with dignity, awe-inspiring, open, and broad-minded. No suffering, no fortitude. To put it exactly, fortitude is the power that you are forced to choose to help you pick yourself up spiritually.

I've got to my feet in suffering owing to your fortitude and spiritual support from those who care about and care for me. Whenever I was affected by the malice from the outside world, you would comfort me by saying, "Mom, don't be afraid, it's gonna be over!" In recalling, pieces of the past float into my mind. When you were fixing your wounds, you said you had to grow stronger. You started learning really hard. You said you would clear everything in the past and rebuild a new you, not to gild yourself, but to reload and sail again. You learn music, sing, play guitar, write lyrics, and compose songs. You read extensively and write about the perception of life and movie reviews. You design a fashion brand and start a business to save yourself. You said that you had to stand up both psychologically and financially! That's exactly what you've done. You said you did all these not only for yourself but for all those who support you along the way. You must show them you're worthy of the support and hope!

You said that a man's life is limited, but those at the spiritual level are eternal and will never disappear. I hope to leave my thoughts and works in form of art, just as I brought Zhou Zishu to the world, who will definitely live longer than me, living in the hearts of people. This is spiritual wealth, this is an eternal power, and this is your dream. To make it come true, you have to have mountains in your heart, seas in your eyes, and be able to go up the mountain and go down into the sea. "Tolerate whoever hard to tolerate in the world, and endure whichever hard to endure in the world. " Being tolerant to the whole world while never losing yourself.

My son, you really are a sober man in this world.

To be frank, I was not as brave as you most of the time. I am scared! I remember that one day a social media account that was shut down suddenly got reactivated when you changed your cell phone. You wanted to keep it. Being afraid that those against you would use it to attack you, I strongly objected. You said, "Since it is a gift from fate, we might as well accept this will from heaven." You said that you want to open a public account (on WeChat) and named it Zhang Sanjian, which means staying firm, staying the course, and having faith. I said the name was really good and meaningful, but I still didn't agree. I was afraid! I was afraid that those who had been slandering you all the time would attack the account and have it bombed, which would be another setback for you. You said in a way of joking, "If Zhang Sanjian is bombed, I'll open Zhang Sanjian Is Back." As I thought, Zhang Sanjian was reported and bombed. Did you feel sad? Absolutely. You said you were sad to see it die as it was like your own child! You did open another account, Zhang Sanjian Is Back. Faced with the encirclement and suppression from trolls, I feel that you're really braving the hail of bullets, bleeding all over, yet still running forward bravely and unrelentingly. You're truly a hero in my heart!

You restarted your life, going cycling, climbing snow mountains, and making documentaries about the great rivers and mountains of the motherland as a director. You sing, read, and write. You wrote one after another movie review from the perspective of an actor, even that of a director. The more you write, the more polished and profound the writing is. You founded a fashion brand that is growing at a great pace......You have been facing the dreadful internet environment in an optimistic manner and exploring your future with a positive attitude. I don't know what lies ahead, but I believe it will get better for all you've done, as a healthy society will undoubtedly embrace an outstanding young man who is proactive and hardworking, has a sunny personality and boasts certain talents and energy.

What can I do for you as a mother? When sometimes you feel depressed, and sometimes the pain is too bad for you to bear, I'll comfort you and cheer you up with famous sayings from some ancient poems like:" When Heaven is about to place a great responsibility on a great man, it always first frustrates his spirit and will, exhausts his muscles and bones, exposes him to starvation and poverty, harasses him by troubles and setbacks so as to stimulate his spirit, toughen his nature and enhance his abilities." "The movement of heaven is full of power. Thus the superior man makes himself strong and untiring.

The earth's condition is receptive devotion. Thus the superior man who has the breadth of character carries the outer world." I encourage you to write to extend your positive energy to the outside world. You once said heartily, "I'm blessed to have a mother who is wise and cultured." We warm each other, encourage each other, and appreciate each other, spending one after another day in suffering and pain, one after another moment in anxiety and apprehension. Meanwhile, we were also surrounded by care and love from many, many friends.

The days are unforgettable and unbearable to recall, the injuries and pains have left a deep and hard-to-heal scar in my heart, and until now the sufferings seem to have no end, but I still pray from the bottom of my heart that everyone can be treated with tenderness by this world and there will be no more harm. Our life is but a span, why not live your own life well? I believe that being kind to others will eventually warm oneself!

Having been through this much, what I'm thinking is: You are right, your mountain didn't fall! In your spiritual world, your mountain is still there! Because mountains are the arms of seas and seas are the chests of mountains. You've found the sea, then you have the mountain. Mountains and seas are inseparable. It's said that hundreds of millions of years ago mountains grew out of the bottom of seas. You've become the sea for yourself. You have the passion, depth, vastness, and azure blue of the sea hidden in your mind. You also have the mountain for yourself, solid as rocks, withstanding thunder and lightning storms. You have the integrity, magnificence, strength, and dignity of the mountain in your temperament.

Only if you are self-disciplined enough to pull yourself together and have energy that is powerful enough, just fly to your heart's content, as wings have grown out of the injuries. The sky is wide open, as long as you know your direction.... ... 1602075960
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Bài viết: 3562
Ngày tham gia: Thứ sáu 15/05/15 06:14

Re: Trương Triết Hạn và con đường trở lại

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Tìm được link dịch sang tiếng Việt :)

Đầu năm khai bút, vào viết ít dòng cho Tiểu Triết :flwrhrts:

Chúc mừng em với ba bài hát đã vào top của Itunes, bài thứ ba chưa "lên sàn", chắc trong vài ngày nữa. Tôi sẽ mua ủng hộ em tôi đầu năm luôn thể :clphnds2: :flwrhrts: .

Đã lâu lắm rồi mới thấy lại nụ cười tươi tắn của Tần Vương, đa số em chỉ cười mỉm chi... mèo :D .

HAPPY NEW YEAR to Trương Triết Hạn và Trương mama! :flwrhrts: :flwrhrts: :flwrhrts:
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Bài viết: 3562
Ngày tham gia: Thứ sáu 15/05/15 06:14

Re: Trương Triết Hạn và con đường trở lại

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Những tấm hình chụp phong cảnh tuy đẹp nhưng có vẻ thê lương, có lẽ mùa đông nơi nào cũng vậy. :wink2:

Em khoẻ lại là tốt rồi. Đón chờ những bài hát mới, tin tức tốt mới! :flwrhrts: :flwrhrts: :flwrhrts:
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Bài viết: 3562
Ngày tham gia: Thứ sáu 15/05/15 06:14

Re: Trương Triết Hạn và con đường trở lại

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Hai mẹ con chúc Tết, vậy là cả hai đã khỏe lại rồi, nhìn em thần thái an nhiên, tươi vui. Con đường tương lai sẽ trải hoa hồng em đi, chúc mừng em. :flwrhrts: :flwrhrts: :flwrhrts:
:flwrhrts: :flwrhrts: :flwrhrts:
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Bài viết: 3562
Ngày tham gia: Thứ sáu 15/05/15 06:14

Re: Trương Triết Hạn và con đường trở lại

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Dạo này tin tức về Hạn cũng vẫn ì ạch một chỗ. Nghĩa là con đường trở lại nghiệp "diễn viên" vẫn còn xa xôi. Nhưng thay vào đó thì bài hát thứ 5 của em đã chuẩn bị phát hành "trên từng cây số" ở nước ngoài. Các fans ở Đài Loan, Mã Lai, ... vẫn rầm rộ quảng cáo, cho tiếng hát em thắp cánh bay cao bay xa, hôm trước đọc một bảng thống kê "support", thì hình như có xứ Cà mà nằm gần cuối bảng. :D

Hôm nay em đi Thượng Hải, lần nào ra vào sân bay cũng nôn nao, xôn xao... Tôi hơi thắc mắc fans lấy tin từ đâu mà biết em ấy đi nhỉ? Hay chỉ là chuyện tình cờ. Những clips quay vội, rất ngắn, phải nói là ngắn ngủn, vậy thì fans có sự chuẩn bị hay không? ... hong biết... :wink2: Nhưng thôi, dù không còn hào quang rực rỡ sân khấu, mà vẫn còn người chờ đón, tháp tùng, đã là điều hạnh phúc rồi! Hạn nhỉ! :flwrhrts: :flwrhrts: :flwrhrts:

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Bài viết: 3562
Ngày tham gia: Thứ sáu 15/05/15 06:14

Re: Trương Triết Hạn và con đường trở lại

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Dù hiện giờ Tần Vương chưa trở lại với phim trường, thật tiếc là còn một bộ phim hay mà không xem được. Giờ thì nghe hát vậy :D :flwrhrts:

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Bài viết: 3562
Ngày tham gia: Thứ sáu 15/05/15 06:14

Re: Trương Triết Hạn và con đường trở lại

Bài viết bởi nắng thủy tinh »

Buổi họp mặt đã bị hủy. Sống dưới chế độ cộng sản là vậy, chả có gì ngạc nhiên vì toàn là luật rừng! :D :lol: :mrgreen: :evil: :evil: :evil:


[ 12.2.2023] EHz.Z thông báo hoạt động ngày 14.2 bị hủy do vấn đề an toàn.
Tiểu Triết, đừng khóc nhé em. Trên con đường này khó khăn sẽ còn rất nhiều, kẻ thù còn đó thì con đường của chúng ta làm sao có thể dễ dàng. Lần nào chúng cũng cho chúng ta hy vọng rồi sau đó mới đâm mấy nhát để chúng ta đau đớn tuyệt vọng. Nhưng chỉ cần người còn, chỉ cần có niềm tin, mạnh mẽ thì kẻ thù mãi mãi cũng không quật ngã được chúng ta.
Trương Triết Hạn, cùng nhau kiên cường, cùng nhau cố gắng. Hôm nay hãy uống 1 ít nước ấm và đi ngủ sớm nhé, bảo bối. Yêu cậu!
TẠ Y HOA đăng weibo
Hôm nay trời mưa, hãy cầm ô, không có ô cũng không sao, chúng ta cùng nhau chờ nắng sẽ không buồn. Đừng để bị mắc mưa, hãy cẩn thận, đừng tuyệt vọng, hãy mạnh mẽ lên.
Khó khăn cùng thất vọng là cùng một cảnh, vô luận nghèo hèn hay hoa lệ, đều thẳng thắn từ đầu đến cuối.
Nếu bạn có thể theo dõi anh ấy và nói rằng bạn yêu anh ấy.​

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Bài viết: 3562
Ngày tham gia: Thứ sáu 15/05/15 06:14

Re: Trương Triết Hạn và con đường trở lại

Bài viết bởi nắng thủy tinh »

Đã lâu lắm rồi mới thấy lại được nụ cười tỏa nắng của Tiểu Triết, nụ cười thật đẹp, tươi sáng, hồn nhiên. :flower: :flower: :flower: Dẫu buổi họp mặt không thành nhưng không vì vậy mà em thất vọng, buông xuôi, sự kiên cường nơi em quả thật làm tôi ngưỡng mộ. Có lẽ em còn trẻ, còn nhiệt huyết.... chứ như một lục cô cô như tôi đây mà đi đường cứ gặp hết hòn đá này, đến viên sỏi khác thì chắc là nằm bẹp từ lâu! :D

Có điều... uh, tôi vẫn không hạp nhãn cho lắm với hai hoa tai lủng lẳng em mang :rotfl: .

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