Trump is still pushing the limits of the gag order. It could come back to haunt him at sentencing.

Dealing with the gag order is a distraction for both sides. But if Trump is convicted, his violations could be used as aggravating factors.

Commerce-backed deal with Emirati AI giant sets off alarm bells in Congress

Some lawmakers fear an unusual deal to wrest an Emirati tech champion away from Beijing could instead leak cutting-edge AI technology to China.

Hill GOP urges Trump to consider a running mate with center-right appeal — maybe even Haley

Rep. Ryan Zinke (R-Mont.) advised Trump to look at a VP pick who "really reflects areas where he needs to be more competitive to win.”

A porn star and gold bars: Menendez and Trump trials show split screen of alleged corruption

The absurdity of American politics makes its way to the courtroom.

Biden has no plan to touch the Alito controversy, even with a 10-foot pole

The president and his team have decided not to engage on a story that progressives say demands their engagement.

The EU's pathetic crocodile tears for Iranian hangman

Europe bends over backward not to offend murderous mullahs, more interested in potentially reopening trade than in human rights.

Gavin Newsom pounces as Republicans come to Big Oil’s defense

The potential Democratic presidential contender called Republican attorneys general “wholly owned subsidiaries of Big Oil.”